2025 Scholarship Application


The Moses Archie Clements Scholarship 2025


The Southside Virginia Landsharks Parrothead Club is honored to present a $1,000 scholarship, to be given annually in memory of one of its former members, Moses Archie Clements. The scholarship will be awarded to the winning essay applicant who will be attending any two year or four year accredited college or university in the United States.


Moses believed that everyone should have the same opportunities afforded to them with regards to being able to improve their lives through education, and spoke frequently of friends and acquaintances that he knew who had worked two jobs while attending classes, or taken out huge tuition loans to be able to attend college, all because they realized how important a good education was to opening doors and offering opportunities that would not be available to them otherwise.

He also was quick to acknowledge that not everyone was cut out to be a Dr. or a Lawyer, and applauded those who simply wanted to develop the skills needed to learn a trade or other profession that would enable them to have a rewarding career.


As a parrothead, Moses was always interested in helping others, and he offered his time and sometimes his own money to help people he knew as well as complete strangers who were in need, knowing that those he helped would someday be able to “pay it forward”.


It is with this philosophy in mind that this scholarship was created, to honor the memory of Moses, and to help “pay it forward”.


Applications will be accepted beginning January 31, 2025, through June 30, 2025, for the 2025-2026 academic year. Award will be announced in early August. Applicants will be required to submit an essay (500 words minimum) providing information on how they have been able to “pay it forward” thus far in their life, through volunteering, helping others, preserving the environment, etc…


Essays will be judged by a blind panel of judges, carefully selected from the community and surrounding areas. Essays themselves should not contain the writer’s name or any information that would identify the writer. Specific organizations or names of persons assisted should, however, be included with the application as a separate confidential attachment for verification purposes.


There are no specific weighted goals as to the content of the essay i.e.; helping people vs helping the community, environment, volunteer organizations, etc. Essays will be individually judged and scored by each judge based on the following: Completeness, accuracy and readability of the essay; Ability of the writer to express the goals, methods of accomplishing the goals, and final outcome of the goals of the writer; Ability of the writer to portray his/her sincerity and commitment to the intended goals; Ability of the writer to briefly express his/her lessons learned thus far and future commitment to becoming a meaningful, considerate member of society and the human race. As this is being judged by sincere, but also fun loving judges, creativity is also strongly encouraged!










The Moses Archie Clements Scholarship




Prospective Scholar’s Name:___________________________________________________________



Email address:_________________________________________________________________________

School student will be attending:_______________________________________________________

Degree sought, or major:_______________________________________________________________


Do you give permission for your name, essay, or parts thereof to be publicly disclosed YES__NO___


Signature of Applicant:___________________________________________Date:_________________



Essays should be completed in accordance with the guidelines on the accompanying scholarship information page, and submitted with this application. All essays should be neatly typed and as long as necessary to adequately portray the message of the writer.


Applications, along with the Essay may be mailed or submitted electronically, but must be postmarked or time stamped prior to the 11:59 P.M. June 30, 2025 deadline. Receipt of all Applications will be acknowledged via email.


Scholarship is open to any student who will be attending an accredited two year or four year college or university in the United States. Only one Essay per student per academic year may be submitted.


Funds will be paid by check, to the student’s school account and may be used for any school related costs or activity. The Southside Virginia Landsharks Parrothead Club solely in it’s discretion, reserves the right to pay the funds directly to the student in lieu of the school account. The Southside Virginia Landsharks Parrothead Club reserves the right to increase or reduce the award amount from year to year depending on financial status of the fund. Successful student will be contacted directly in early August, and expected to consent to public disclosure of award.


Contributions to the Fund, at this time, are not tax deductible. Award recipient should consult with a financial advisor regarding any tax liabilities on the award. Southside Virginia Landsharks Parrothead Club will not be responsible for any tax liabilities incurred.


Any information contained in the essay that, in the administrator’s opinion, would directly disclose the student’s identity will be deleted prior to being distributed to the judges, for impartial judging purposes. Substantiating attachments are encouraged, but will not be disclosed to the judges until a decision is made. Deleted portions will be reinstated prior to public release.



MAILING ADDRESS: 3858 Tryall Mill Road, Emporia, Va.23847

EMAIL ADDRESS: cmv001@aol.com